Monday, July 25, 2005

Toon is on target

Same Sex Affection, Holiness and Ordination. Dr. Peter Toon responds to "To Set Our Hope on Christ", the essay presented by the ECUSA to the ACC in Nottingham during the week of June 20, 2005. Dr. Toon gives an excellent account of how the ECUSA got to where it is today.

When I read the following I said, Whoa!

Yet, despite the risks involved, my conscience persuades me that I must offer a critique, and a serious one. Why? Because I believe that this essay is built upon a foundation of sand rather than rock, and before the penetrating eyes of the Lord it falls to the ground in pieces as the winds of divine reality blow over it. Further, as a friend noted, “not only is the language warm and humble, it struck me that it goes even beyond this—it is beguiling and seductive. This document seems to be an attempt to seduce us into the belief that lust is holy, and so the choice of language. We are presented with an argument, yes, but not really of the kind a theologian should make, but rather of the kind that a temptress would make in luring us to her bed. The authors whisper in our ears all those flattering little lies that we so much want to believe….”

It is a long article but well worth it.

Monday, July 11, 2005

U2 on G8

Bono says the G8 deal marks "...the beginning of the end for poverty...". I wish it were true, but pa-leeese.

We have all seen the pictures of the starving children and feel pity for them. We want to reach through the camera lens and offer immediate assistance. The problem is that there has been assistance given over the years. Lots of it, both from private and public sources. Where has it gone? Answer - Into the pockets of government officials.

In my humble opinion, the problem in Africa is corruption, not poverty. If the money sent to Africa actually got to those in need, we would have a different story.

Then there is the idea of forgiving the debt to these nations. Forgive my ignorance, but how is that going to put food in the belly of that starving child. The only ones being helped by forgiving the debt are the same corrupt governments that used the money for there own selfish interests in the first place.

One other question for all of these rock stars: how much of your income is going to help the poor in Africa? I bet one could feed alot of starving children for what is earned from one hit record or hit movie (Mr. Pitt). Perhaps Bono and the others do contribute a large amount, but couldn't they do just a little more. I bet they had plenty to eat today.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Religion of peace?

Four London Blasts Kill 40, Injure 700

So much for the religion of peace.

At last a Muslim organization that condemns a terrorist attack. ISNA Condemns the Terrorist Attacks in London

Now, if only the Muslim leaders in the Middle East would do the same.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

A bad day

Astrologer Sues NASA Over Comet Mission

MOSCOW (AP) - NASA's mission that sent a space probe smashing into a comet raised more than cosmic dust - it also brought a lawsuit from a Russian astrologer.
Marina Bai has sued the U.S. space agency, claiming the Deep Impact probe that punched a crater into the comet Tempel 1 late Sunday "ruins the natural balance of forces in the universe," the newspaper Izvestia reported Tuesday. A Moscow court has postponed hearings on the case until late July, the paper said.

No wonder I am having such a bad day. That explains it. The natural balance of the forces in the universe have been ruined by the actions of a few men on the blue planet. I didn't realize we were so powerful.