Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Flori-dah Primary

I was watching the results of the Florida primary come in and thought to myself, " what person in their right mind would vote for Billary or John McCain?". Then I remembered back to the 2000 election. The hanging chads. The butterfly ballot. I also thought about all of the "snow birds" in Florida from the northeast and all the grey hairs having dinner at the early-bird specials. It became obvious that there are many people in Florida who are not in their right mind.

That explains it.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

On the other hand

On the other hand, there is this from Hill-Bill

Hillary Clinton Confirms She Will Appoint Pro-Abortion Judges as President

by Steven Ertelt Editor
January 23, 2008

Washington, DC ( -- It's no secret that Hillary Clinton has promoted abortion at every turn as a senator and presidential candidate -- forcing taxpayers to pay for abortions and voting against a partial-birth abortion ban repeatedly. Clinton confirmed she will take her pro-abortion views to the White House in a statement on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade.

At the top of Clinton's agenda as president would be the appointment of Supreme Court judges who would uphold Roe and keep abortion legal for another 35 years.

"When I'm President, I will appoint judges to our courts who understand that Roe v. Wade isn't just binding legal precedent," Clinton said in the statement obtained.

She said the judges would share her view that Roe "is the touchstone of our reproductive freedom, the embodiment of our most fundamental rights, and no one - no judge, no governor, no Senator, no President - has the right to take it away."

Sorry Mrs. Clinton, you will never, ever, get my vote.

Paul is movin' up

Ron Paul Joins March for Life
By Penny Starr Senior Staff Writer
January 24, 2008

( ) - Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) was the only GOP presidential candidate to make an appearance at the 35th annual March for Life on Tuesday, the anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade decision giving women the right to abortion on demand.

Paul got an enthusiastic reception from the crowd, with many marchers waving Ron Paul signs and banners.

I have not been a Ron Paul supporter, but he just moved up a step in my mind. Where were the other candidates?