Friday, October 08, 2010

Telling it like it is

I am sure the pro-abortion crowd is going nuts over this. But hey, it tells it like it is.

Please choose life.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Why is it .........? Vol. 2

Why is it that otherwise good hearted and well meaning people see nothing wrong with the government taking money from one group of people in order to give it to another group?

Why is it that we keep electing politicians who run on improving education for our children, we spend lots of money, then in the next election cycle, the same politicians run on fixing the education system which has gotten worse since the last election?

Why is it some want to turn over our health care system to the same politicians mentioned above?

Just asking.

Friday, September 03, 2010

Why is it .......?

Why is it, when those on the political left criticize the right, it is free speech, but when the right criticizes the left, it is hate speech?

Why is it, when the left holds to a certain mind-set, they are open-minded, but when the right holds to a certain mind-set, they are closed-minded?

Why is it, when those who preach religious tolerance actually see it in action, they are sceptical and fearful of it?

Why is it, that I can see the speck in someone else's eye, but cannot see the log in my own eye?

Just asking.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I have a few questions

The Health Care Bill (HCB) has been signed in to law. I have heard some of my friends and family say things like, "Well, at least they are doing something", "At least they are moving in the right direction", "finally, Congress has done something". Well, I have a few questions:

1. If the HCB is so good, why did the Congressional leaders and the President have to coerce and/or bribe members of their own party to get the bill passed?

2. Why are most of the benefits delayed until 2014? Some are delayed until 2018.

3. Why is the President and some members of Congress and their staff's exempt?

4. Now that the Federal government can force us all to purchase something, what will they try to force us to buy next? A GM car?

5. What ever happened to the land of the free? I don't think Francis Scott Key meant the land of free health care (which isn't really free).

6. Why are those who usually love to refer to the separation of church and state, the same people who quote Jesus' statements about helping the needy to back up their support of the HCB?

7. Why is it considered theft if my neighbor, who needs health care, comes to me and demands I pay for it at the point of a gun, but when the IRS comes to my door to demand the same thing, it is to fulfill someone's idea of compassion?

8. Why am I considered to be a racist, if I disagree with the policies of the first black President? I'm sorry, the second black President. Bill Clinton was the first.

9. Why are Student Loans part of the HCB? So, some of the cost of this bill is being put on the backs of students paying off their student loans.

10. Why do we trust the CBO to accurately predict the future cost of the HCB? They certainly do not have a very good track record of predicting the cost of other bills. Take Medicare for example. The actual costs are about 10 times what was estimated.

11. Did anyone who voted on the HCB actually read the bill? This is the really scary part for me. How can anyone vote for a bill if they don't even know what is in it?

12. Why do we trust the same people who run the Post Office and Amtrak to run our health care system? The HCB gives new definition to "all aboard".

13. Why can't the supporters of the HCB be generous with their own money and keep their mits off of my wallet? There should be a line on the Federal Tax Return, "Do you want to contribute to the health care costs of others?" "If so, how much?" Then they can pay more in taxes and leave the rest of us alone.

14. Why must the Vice President drop the f*** bomb in public?

15. How did they come up with the age of 26 for children to be covered on their parent's insurance? Why not, 27, or 37, or 57? Why put any age limit on it? I want my mommy to pay for my insurance. If I had a 26 year old child still living at my house, they would need health insurance :)

I am sure there will be more questions to follow.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Yes, I see that hand.

For all of the wonderful things life in the Internet age provides us, there are some notable drawbacks. One of them is that email and popular social media tools like Twitter and Facebook provide powerful launching pads for unchecked rumors and popular myths. Often these rumors and myths are proven false by websites like and, but not this time.

The Internet has been abuzz with rumors that if you drive down Interstate 35 near the town of Wyoming, Minnesota, you'll see a billboard bearing the image of a smiling George W. Bush accompanied by the question "Miss me yet?" The online rumors were confirmed by this image

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Bears repeating

The following is a re-posting of a post I made in March 2009. Considering the continued Health Care debate and other economic issues, I feel it bears repeating.

Should we look to kings and princes to put right the inequalities between rich and poor? Should we require soldiers to come and seize the rich person's gold and distribute it among his destitute neighbors? Should we beg the emperor to impose a tax on the rich so great that it reduces them to the level of the poor and then to share the proceeds of that tax among everyone? Equality imposed by force would achieve nothing, and do much harm. Those who combined both cruel hearts and sharp minds would soon find ways of making themselves rich again. Worse still, the rich whose gold was taken away would feel bitter and resentful; while the poor who received the gold from the hands of soldiers would feel no gratitude, because no generosity would have prompted the gift. Far from bringing moral benefit to society, it would actually do moral harm. Material justice cannot be accomplished by compulsion, a change of heart will not follow. The only way to achieve true justice is to change people's hearts first -- and then they will joyfully share their wealth. - St. John Chysostom

These words were attributed to St. John Chrysostom in the book "On Living Simply" compiled by Robert Van de Weyer. Unfortunately, Mr. Van de Weyer did not provide the citation and I have not been able to find exactly where this quote came from. Nevertheless, whether St. John Chysostom actually said these words or not, I find them to be very powerful. If I didn't know better, I would say he must have been reading today's newspapers. Wealth redistribution is the theme of the day. I think we should heed his words, "Far from bringing moral benefit, it would actually do moral harm." Stealing is stealing, no matter who does it, a person or the state.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Economic Reform for Haiti

Real Economic Reform for a Hurting Haiti

Mises Daily: Monday, January 18, 2010 by

What the people of Haiti need are the individual liberty and secure property rights in an open, free market that can draw upon the creative potentials of the people themselves. No bureaucrats or politicians in either Washington, DC, or in the Haitian capital of Port-au-Prince possess a fraction of the knowledge about what needs to be done — how, where or when, and for whom — that is known by the 10 million Haitian people, themselves.

Yes, they can use all the assistance that any and all men of good will may choose to provide right now, but the recovery that can begin "tomorrow" can only come about by releasing the creative energy and abilities of the Haitian people. And that means that their government and other governments need to get out of the way and not make a market-based recovery process more difficult than it has to be.

Food for thought. Freedom works everytime it is tried.