Friday, September 03, 2010

Why is it .......?

Why is it, when those on the political left criticize the right, it is free speech, but when the right criticizes the left, it is hate speech?

Why is it, when the left holds to a certain mind-set, they are open-minded, but when the right holds to a certain mind-set, they are closed-minded?

Why is it, when those who preach religious tolerance actually see it in action, they are sceptical and fearful of it?

Why is it, that I can see the speck in someone else's eye, but cannot see the log in my own eye?

Just asking.


Anonymous said...

It's hate speech because the views of the right are more about 'me', 'my needs', 'my money'. It is about setting up a divide about 'the good' and 'the eveil'. the 'haves' and the 'have nots'. The left's views are far more inclusive, it's more about 'all needs'. Such an argument can be extended to open mindedness. It is about accepting all views. . .now I know that the next comment will be: but surely the left's views of the right create a similar division? And I suppose to some extent they are. However the point is, is that their dislike is a reaction to the first. Basically it's a 'they started it' idea but until they can be more accepting then why should we accept them? If your views cause hate and pain to others then you should not be accepted.
Just saying.

Tony Christian said...

Very insightful post. Incisive rhetorical question, which apparantly "Anonymous" thought you needed an answer for.

I am a fellow orthodox, in Texas.

Cal Williams said...


Thank you for your comment.

God bless Texas!

Cal Williams said...

Anon. -

Thank you for your comment and for proving the point behind the questions.

MissMP said...

It seems that there is always a double standard in every aspect of life.

It would be great if everyone would take a great, hard look at their selves before acting or speaking. Perhaps there wouldn't be so much contradiction in the world.