Monday, July 25, 2005

Toon is on target

Same Sex Affection, Holiness and Ordination. Dr. Peter Toon responds to "To Set Our Hope on Christ", the essay presented by the ECUSA to the ACC in Nottingham during the week of June 20, 2005. Dr. Toon gives an excellent account of how the ECUSA got to where it is today.

When I read the following I said, Whoa!

Yet, despite the risks involved, my conscience persuades me that I must offer a critique, and a serious one. Why? Because I believe that this essay is built upon a foundation of sand rather than rock, and before the penetrating eyes of the Lord it falls to the ground in pieces as the winds of divine reality blow over it. Further, as a friend noted, “not only is the language warm and humble, it struck me that it goes even beyond this—it is beguiling and seductive. This document seems to be an attempt to seduce us into the belief that lust is holy, and so the choice of language. We are presented with an argument, yes, but not really of the kind a theologian should make, but rather of the kind that a temptress would make in luring us to her bed. The authors whisper in our ears all those flattering little lies that we so much want to believe….”

It is a long article but well worth it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whoa indeed!
Would not this make an interesting text for a post-service adult education class?
The skies would fall!