Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Childish behavior

Same-sex solidarity brings end to weddings: Grace Church stands up for homosexuals

BY Nick Grabbe Staff Writer
Published on March 12, 2007

Declaring a 'holy fast,' Grace Episcopal Church has decided to stop performing all wedding ceremonies because its bishops bar the blessing of same-sex unions.

'Gays and lesbians are the church, as much, if not more, as I am as a straight white man,' he said in his sermon. 'But this sacrament, and the grace it is meant to convey, is not available to them.'

Yes, it is available to them. They can marry anytime they want, just not to someone of the same sex.

'I am convinced that when gays and lesbians are baptized, they become full members of the body of Christ,' said Bullitt-Jonas. 'They are not partial members or conditional members or second-class members.'

They are full members. They must repent of there sins the same as everyone else.

This is pretty childish behavior. If I can't have my way, I am going to take my marbles and go home.

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