Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Just Shut Up Award

Todays Just Shut Up Award goes to former President Jimmy Carter.

Carter Calls on U.S. to Shut Down Gitmo

ATLANTA (AP) - Former President Carter on Tuesday called for the United States to shut down the Guantanamo Bay prison to demonstrate its commitment to human rights.

He is probably longing for the good old days when Americans were held hostage in Iran.

Hello, we are at war. I sure am glad he isn't President now. If he and his like were in office during WWII, we would be speaking German today. Or maybe Japanese.

In an effort for full disclosure, I voted for the man in 1976.


Anonymous said...

I wonder if Jimmy is aware of the recent discovery of a terrorist training manual that instructs "fighters" to lie about torture. The problem with Carter is that he is a man who refuses to learn from his mistakes. Now he is frustrated and constantly sounding off in order to get attention. We can probably look forward to the same from Bubba Clinton for the next several decades.
I voted for Ford, but that was not much better.
Thus again we learn not to put our trust in the princes of this world.

Anonymous said...

The real trouble here is we are violating our own laws, and international laws that we had a dominate roll in creating.

We are at war, but with who?

Who are we holding in Gitmo, are they in fact guilty of anything? Remember, already 25% have been released as NOT having been involved in any illegal activity.

I love this line.

instructs "fighters" to lie about torture

Many of these complaints are comming from people we have released. This means, if you accept this line of flawed logic, we are releasing trained terrorist.

The fact is some of those in Gitmo and other unnamed sites) are bad guys, but some are not.

How long do we hold the bad guys?


How long do we hold those who are not?


we are in violation of the very principials of justice that our nation was founded on, and the international laws we insisted on.

A sad state of affairs.