Thursday, September 15, 2005

Insanity revealed

The following headlines reveal the insanity in the judicial branch of government today:

Judge: School Pledge Is Unconstitutional


Judge Rules Against Michigan's Partial Birth Abortion Ban

Is it any wonder that we are willing to allow the murder of innocent babies when we are trying to eliminate the mention of God in the public square?

To quote Michael Savage, "Liberalism is a mental disorder". I think this is becoming more evident everyday.

To quote Jesus Christ, "And this is the judgment: the light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their deeds were evil. " John 3:19

Personally, I never did like to say the Pledge of Allegiance, but it isn't the "under God" part that bothers me. It is the pledging allegiance to a piece of cloth that troubles me. The next statement, "and to the republic for which it stands", makes sense of the issue, so I quess I don't have a problem with the Pledge after all.

Yesterday, 9/14/2005, was the Feast of The Exaltation of The Holy Cross. The cross has been a symbol of Christianity for a long time. I wonder how many of us are willing to pledge allegiance to this symbol, The Holy Cross.

Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy.


Anonymous said...

The Cross provides the perfect antidote to the surreal view of the world held by many of our "elite" opinion makers. Too many judges, lawyers, teachers, social workers and the like hold to a materialist/relativist/sentimental view of the world and our relations within society and time.
The Cross stands as a signpost at the intersection of reality. It reminds us of both our horizontal and our vertical loyalties; of our duties to God and man.
It also reminds us of our obligations to those who have come before and will come after, as well as those who we deal with today. Both time and space are united in the Cross for Christ's sacrifice was and is made for all men, everywhere and throughout all time.
Our guideposts should not be fads, fashions and trends, but tradition, reason and scripture; the revelation of God through His Son our savior, Jesus Christ.
Praise the Lord.

Anonymous said...

Two quotes I recently stumbled accross that may add some perspective to our defense of sanity:
"God is easy to please and hard to satisfy." George MacDonald
"The hardness of God is kinder than the softness of man; His compulsion is our liberation."
C. S. Lewis
May these thoughts and prayers help us navigate through an evil world.