Cathedral's Dean Kowalski calls Cindy Sheehan a 'prophet'
[Episcopal News Service] More than 1,000 people filled the Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine in New York City on September 19, 2005, to hear anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan and supporters on the "Bring Them Home Now Tour" rally support for a three-day march and anti-war protest in Washington, DC, September 24-26.
"We need to show Congress that we mean business when we say we want our troops [to come] home," Sheehan said.
Sheehan came to national attention this summer when she camped out near President George W. Bush's ranch in Crawford, Texas, demanding that the vacationing president explain to her in person why her 24-year-old son Casey, an Army specialist assigned to 1st Battalion, 82nd Field Artillery Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division, died in Iraq. The effort became known as Camp Casey.
In his welcoming address, the Very Rev. Dr. James A. Kowalski, dean of the cathedral, received applause when he likened Sheehan to a "prophet."
"In the Bible there are stories about seemingly unimportant, insignificant, seemingly powerless people who out of nowhere landed in the kingdom where the king was out of control and emerged as a prophet and said to the king you have lied to your people and led them astray and Cindy Sheehan is one of those prophets," he said.
Paaleeese. Equating Cindy Sheehan with the prophets of the Bible is a bit extreme. Of course the Very Rev Dr James Kowalski probably believes that the Bible is just a book of fiction and myth anyway, so who cares what he thinks.
Kowalski asked "what greater conversation could there be than about stopping war, and returning to peace?"
What makes these nut cases think we will have peace if we bring the troops home? How quickly we forget 9/11.
"We have to make the world safer and the only way we are going to do that is to get George Bush out of office," she said.
Ah, the real reason for her comments is revealed. She just hates the President and wants to see him out of office. This hate speech has to stop.
This just goes to show that the ECUSA is held captive by the same left wing extremists that have taken over the Democratic Party. The fact that the Episcopal News Service finds this story news worthy is further proof.
In my humble opinion, the ones who have lied and led their people astray are those in the ilk of Cindy Sheehan and the Very Rev. Dr.
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