Monday, December 26, 2005

The Nativity of our Lord

Christ is born!

Glorify Him!


Anonymous said...

We must glorify Him every day of our lives. One has to stop and wonder as to the extent to which our "culture" has worked to dishonor and blaspheme His name. The secularists have developed a multi-tiered strategy of defamation of Christianity and Christians. The public square is now closed to revelation, as are the minds of our academics and media elites.
Lord help us all!

Anonymous said...

As we enter a new year, it is good to remember that the transitory nature of our being can distract us from that which is truly eternal. The turn of the calendar may serve as a mark of advancement and new beginings to the secular mind, but for the Christian we must keep our eye on the eternal. We should focus our attention on the permanent things and those transcendant truths which will continue to guide us to our eternal home.
One way to remember our place in the devine hierarchy that is our true reality is to stop and remember all of those things for which we should be grateful. A theology of appreciation can best serve to humble us and remind us of the tremendous debt we owe to our Creator for all that we enjoy in this life and for the opportunity to prepare for the life to come.
As C.S.Lewis said, "That which is not eternal is eternally out of date.".
All blessings to you in this new year!