Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Wacko Alert

Men Warm Globe, Women Feel the Heat, Group Claims

By Marc Morano
CNSNews.com Senior Staff Writer
December 06, 2005

Montreal (CNSNews.com) - The debate over climate change evolved into a battle of the sexes Monday at the 11th annual United Nations Climate Change Conference in Montreal. The spokesman for a feminist-based environmental group accused men of being the biggest contributors to human-caused "global warming" and lamented that women are bearing the brunt of the negative climate consequences created by men.

"Women and men are differently affected by climate change and they contribute differently to climate change," said Ulrike Rohr, director of the German-based group called "Genanet-Focal point gender, Environment, Sustainability."

The Environmental Wacko's are at it again.

Left up to these kooks, being male will soon be reason enough to be taxed, imprisoned or worse.

What about transgendered persons? Are they more or less to blame?

What ever happened to common sense?

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