Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Why the courts?

Regarding the Dover School case and Intelligent Design (ID), I ask myself, why are the courts telling us what can be taught in the public schools? Should not this be the decision of the school board, teachers and ultimately the parents?

Whatever ones opinion of ID, do we want the courts telling us what can be taught in the schools? The best way to handle this is the way that eventually happened in the Dover case. The people of Dover voted out the school board members who wanted ID mentioned (not taught as has been reported in error).

Personally, I disagree with the voters of Dover, but regardless, I believe the proper way to settle this question was through the ballot box, not to bring the courts into it. Besides, I have yet to see in the Constitution any mention of what can or cannot be taught in schools. I do read where Congress will make no laws regarding the free exercise of religion.

This is just another example of the left's use of the courts to bring about what they cannot do any other way. Except in this case they did do it another way.

Power to the people (P2TP).


Anonymous said...


The great irony here is that by applying their usual overkill they have given the theory of Intelligent Design volumes of publicity that would never have been created but for the draconian methods of the Left. Heaven forbid that a dissenting idea should exist anywhere, even in an isolated, rural school district in Central Pennsylvania. May the Left continue to acheive such "victories" and may the spirit of Truth triumph in the human heart. For as the Good Book tells, "The Truth shall set you free".

Anonymous said...

On this day when we stand on the precipice of history and stare down into the dark chasm of eternity, we know that shortly we shall once again hear the heralds harken the Good News to all men that a child is born in a far eastern city, and hope reigns incarnate for one and all, even unto the end of the world.
Blessings and best wishes to you for a merry Christmas and a holy and happy New Year!